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Haremos lo posible por permitir libros personalizados por cada uno de nuestro autores, pero si hay filas demasiado largas, es posible que tengamos que limitar que los autores solamente firmen los libros para reducir la espera, especialmente para autores de gran demanda.We’ll do our best to accommodate personalized books from each of our authors, but high turnouts/long lines may require us to switch from personalized books to straight signing to cut down on wait times for certain high-demand authors. The Los Angeles Public Library serves the largest most diverse population of any library in the United States.Through its Central Library and 72 branches, the Los Angeles Public Library provides free and easy access to information, ideas, books and technology that enrich, educate and empower every individual in our city's diverse communities.With more people than ever before using the library—a record 17 million last year alone—your support helps the Library provide people with the resources they need to succeed and thrive. How to support the LibraryYou can support the Los Angeles Public Library in several ways:. Join a “Friends” group.
There is a “Friends of the Library” group for most branch libraries and departments of the Central Library. Friends groups raise money for improvements to their library through memberships, used book sales and other activities.
For more information or talk to your local librarian. Join the Library Foundation of Los Angeles. The Library Foundation is a non-profit organization that raises funds for Library enhancement programs such as adult and early literacy, children and teen reading clubs, technology, and cultural programs. Foundation members receive a variety of benefits with their membership. For more information, see. Make a donation by check to the Los Angeles Public Library and send it to:Support the Library, 630 W.
Fifth St., Los Angeles CA 90071 or call (213) 228-7555.